
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Are you there God? It's me, Jill.

Someone posted something today on Facebook that basically asked "where was your god when this and anything bad happens?"  and the general feeling of this person is that prayer is a waste of time that is better spent on getting off your backside and "doing something."  I like this person.  I respect them and think they're pretty cool.  However, it triggered a need to respond and so I'm going to do it on my blog.  I don't like doing the passive/vague response thing, but I also felt I have the right to write and wanted to do so without offending them or disrespecting their belief system.

Below is my "response" to their question (rhetorical as it may have been).


My faith (which is decidedly different than "religion") leads me to believe that God doesn't *make* bad things happen.  We are not puppets on a string for Him to control.  One of the greatest gifts given to us is our freedom of choice.  You choose to not believe in God.  I choose to believe.  We both choose to advocate for innocents (whether it's animals, kids, people) and do good in our own little part of this world.  Choices.  There are others who choose to create chaos, terror, death and destruction.  Others choose to waste the abundance of blessings in their life.  Still others choose to persecute those who don't believe the same as they do.  All of these choices stem from that one gift - the ability to act for ourselves and not be acted upon - aka freedom to choose our path.  A Zeus-like "God" would be more in line of not allowing bad things to happen, or preventing them. 

We can also choose to fix and improve the world surrounding us and make our world better - regardless of whether we believe in God, a Benevolent Higher Power, Budah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or nothing.  They do not have to be mutually exclusive.  How is the fact that I choose to believe in God, and choose to pray Him, diametrically opposed to choosing to make the world a better place?  For those who don't want to be judged for non-belief, I see a lot of memes out there shoving non-belief in my face and belittling my belief.  I'm sure there are just as many where opinions are reversed and that saddens me too.  It would be nice if we could all just "get along" and regardless of our belief systems just "do good."  I'm also saddened that there are wing-nuts out there that will say this (and other tragedies) are punishment for something.  I don't believe that at all.

I actually Googled "Why does God let bad things happen?" and found a several good sites with good commentary.  Someone else was able to put into words things I have struggled to understand and explain:

"God did not create evil and suffering. Now, it’s true that he did create the potential for evil to enter the world, because that was the only way to create the potential for genuine goodness and love. But it was human beings, in our free will, who brought that potential evil into reality.

Some people ask, 'Couldn’t God have foreseen all of this?' And no doubt he did. But look at it this way: many of you are parents. Even before you had children, couldn’t you foresee that there was the very real possibility they may suffer disappointment or pain or heartache in life, or that they might even hurt you and walk away from you? Of course — but you still had kids. Why? Because you knew there was also the potential for tremendous joy and deep love and great meaning."

Some may choose to say this is all some kind of rationalization for those who believe.  Maybe it is.  The point is that I *do* choose to believe.  And like many have pointed out in the wake of this latest tragedy "look for the helpers", "the good outweighs the bad",  and "there are more good guys than bad guys in this world population."  I do my best to not belittle others' beliefs.  I do my best to be a good person and to improve my little corner of the world. I try to be one of those "good guys".  I also believe that there is a Higher Power ... a Master Designer ... and I choose to call Him God. 

As far frustration over Americans being self-centered and only being concerned with what happens "to us", I get that.  I felt that same way after 9-11. I was there and I felt that initial kick in the gut.  I still have a copy of the Village Voice's front page from the day after with a picture of the Twin Towers on fire & the simple headline "The Bastards!" And yet, I thought how arrogant it was that we responded with such outrage considering that daily life in many other places was full of unexpected tragedy at every turn of the corner.  But, I also understood - it had never happened to us.  We were "sheltered" - much like many of our children are.  *These things* simply don't happen to the USA.  But they did (and had) - both from outside forces and internal (OK City bombing? The other attack on the World Trade Center?).  Just nothing had happened before on such a huge scale where so many lives were lost and affected.  Of course there was going to be shock and outrage just as there was shock and outrage over Aurora ... and Sandy Hook... and Columbine.  And Boston.

Whenever something confounds our understanding we look for answers ... and we look for comfort. For some, they work through those feelings by "doing" and that is welcomed and necessary.  For many others, prayer *is* a way of "doing", and it also provides comfort simply because we "let go and let God".  It's a way to reach out to those we want to help when we can't physically "reach out" and comfort them (or ourselves).  How that is a bad thing - I don't know.  It harms no one.  If you don't believe, don't pray - but please don't shame those of us who do.

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