
Monday, August 30, 2010

Small steps

Yesterday was my first weigh-in after 1 week of following this new path.  5 pounds down!  I sort of feel like I'm on "the Biggest Loser."  5 pounds is a great start and I am very happy with it, but, I think there was a part of me hoping that number would be bigger.  Don't get me wrong - I'm very excited about knocking off 5 in one week.  I'm just more motivated to work harder to get that number larger on the next weigh-in.

As the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said
“a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

I suppose that means a journey of losing sixty pounds must begin with losing 5.  I'm good with that. :)

Are you on your own path to a new you (whether that means weight loss, general wellness, a new attitude toward Life, a creative journey, or a path of self-discovery)?  What keeps you motivated?  When you meet a potential obstacle - how do you get over it (or under it, or around it, or heck - even through it)?

Until next time, I'll keep taking my small steps .....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the weight loss! 5 pounds is a great way to start. For your other question - yes. My motivation is the end result that I want to achieve because I know it will be great.


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